Wednesday, December 7, 2011

ABC's and 123's...the FREE kind!

Eight more days but who’s counting? Um, me!!! Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE my job. But, there comes a time when Santa, presents, cookies, and parties take over the mind of every five year old child and make them a little cray-cray. Yep, I said it. They become these hyper, unfocused, overly giddy little people. It’s as if they are going to burst at any moment.which leaves me with lots of deep breathing throughout the day. LOL. Did I mention that we are report card testing? Here’s how that goes
“John (made up name, haha), can you read these words to me?”
“Uh, huhyes, can, noum, do you know what I asked Santa for? And mom said that.and my favorite ornament is.” And so on. HAHA! Gotta. Love. Them.

So, today I was thinking about what we need to work on before the break and came up with these little worksheets. I thought I would share. Let me know if you like them. Have a great hump daywhat a silly word, hump. HAHA!
Gingerbread ABC

Gingerbread Numbers

Oh, and today is our staff Christmas party. We can wear jeans (and people we will sell our first born to wear jeans to work) if we wear a tacky Christmas sweater. Well, I don’t have a tacky Christmas sweater. I don’t think I have been teaching long enough to acquire one and I hate to hear my teenage daughter say “oh mom, you look too much like a teacher!” Whatever! J So, I had to throw this thing together. I’m embarrassed to wear it. LOL. I am not sure if there in enough room for those Christmas balls under my hoodie though. HAHA! Do you have a tacky Christmas sweater?


  1. Today is our Wear a Christmas Sweater day at school too! Thankfully we are allowed to wear jeans whenever we want to as long as they are nice ones! I gave away a lot of my Christmas sweaters years ago, but my MIL keeps giving them to me for my December birthday! UGH!
    Have a fun day! Thanks for the freebies too!

  2. Crystal, Thanks for sharing these gingerbread printables! My little Audrey is going to LOVE them!! She is so into math right now:)

  3. Thanks for these!!! I will do them with my class on Friday!!!
    Mrs. Bremer’s Kindergarten
    PS You are SOOO lucky to have only 8 more days...our school goes to the 23rd...FOR THE FULL DAY YET TOO!!! :(

  4. I am testing also, so these will come in handy. Thanks for sharing! :)
    Crayons and Curls

  5. Thank you so much for the great Kinders are losing it much's a miracle we did any work today...counting down the days with you :).

  6. I gave you the Sunshine Award :) I am sure you have received it before, thanks for all you do!!

    Kindergarten Smiles

  7. Your blog is adorable and I love this activity! Thanks for sharing!! :)

    Kindergarten Is A Hoot

  8. I am soooo with you on selling the first born to wear jeans! I mean, really, kindergarten teachers having to dress up??? Geez people {making the rules} ever hear of glue, boogers, throw-up? And on my JCrew pants?
    Anyhoo-thanks for sharing and I LOVE your blog!
    Ms. Solano's Kindergarten

  9. Can you post this differently because I don't want to pay for it on Sribd?
