Thursday, December 1, 2011

Freebie, Fun, and Call for Help!!

Happy December friends!! Let the Christmas Break countdown begin!  So, thanks to the great suggestions on my last post, project: Elf on a Shelf has begun. I wrapped it and put it in the deep freezer over night to get nice and cold. Then, the office called down to my class to say we had a delivery. I purposely sent the most dramatic vibrant students because I knew they would overreact make a big deal out of the temperature.  It was addressed to my class from SANTA! They were SOOO excited! We read the letter and then opened the box. Then, they all gave suggestions for his name. Suggestions included: Elfie, Hannah (random right?), Kevin, Jolly, Jingle Bell, and the winner “Snowflake.” OMG they were off their rocker excited about Snowflake. We read the book and put his box on the cubbies so he could watch us. I just knew the kids would be so quiet when the elf came to townwrong! They sang Christmas songs (which I don’t mind), screamed at him, they were nuts. Now the classroom next door was walking on pins and needles being good for their elf. Luck teacher elf! So, while the kids were in activities Snowflake split and went back to the North Pole because of their “poor choices.” Don’t worry, he left a note and will be back tomorrowbaring good behavior. Fingers crossed people! I paid $30 for good behavior for the next 11 days and it needs to work. Haha! I have a lot of fun stuff planned with this little guy. Hopefully tomorrow will be greatit just has to beits Friday!! Here’s my letter from Santa, another freebie from my Elf Unit.  You can purchase the rest of it here

Have a great day tomorrow. May the ELF be with you!!

Elf Santa Letter

Check out my Elf on a Shelf Unit too. :)


  1. I just found your blog and am so excited! Anyway, I was wondering where in Target you find an Elf on the Shelf? Is it in toys, Christmas, where? I looked on Amazon and they are quite expensive. Around $35+. Is it that much at Target? Thanks!

  2. OMG my students named our Elf Snowflake too!!! They had names like Sarah, Sally, and Snowy. It's been magical! I even had a student bring in a tiny little pillow for Snowflake. I love it! :)

  3. Thanks friends! Amy, I bought mine at Target in the books section. It was $30. That is expensive but at least you'll have it for years to come. :)
    <>< Crystal

  4. Crystal, Just wanted to give you heads up - my school WON the Pepsi Challenge in the fall. It is great to have as many people vote as possible, but what really moved us from 60th place to first was our collecting of bottle caps. Assuming it works the same this round ... those bottle caps are GOLDEN!! They count for so many more votes. So we had AMAZING parents get recycling places to save Pepsi caps for us, they went to sporting events (the bigger venue the better) and collected caps. They even did a little dumpster diving for Pepsi bottles. The local sports venues loved supporting a public school and even announced at halftime that people would be coming around to collect caps. So really and truly go for the caps!!! Email me with any questions. Good luck! We are all getting Smartboards because of this!!!!!
    An Open Door

  5. Sorry Snowflake didn't work out for you on his first day. I thought about getting an elf this year, but don't have the budget for a $30 elf right now =( We've made stockings and the parents have been sending in little "gifts". Each day they are on green or above they get a gift in their stocking. This is working pretty well...however, I did have FIVE on red yesterday! I think it's just the December-ness of it all..they can't handle the excitement! Sending good "elfish" vibes your way today!

    Kinder Kraziness

  6. You are such an amazing teacher! Your students are so blessed.

  7. Crystal,

    What wonderful ideas you have. Thank you for sharing the letter from Santa!

    By the way, I awarded you with the Sunshine

    Award ☼

    Happy blogging,

    -Lidia Rb

  8. I may have to do this next year. I am doing a Help Rudolph Get to His Nose by Being a Super Duper Class but it doesn't appear to be working. I LOVE the idea of the elf just leaving. Ha!
    A Teeny Tiny Teacher

  9. Crystal I love your blog! You bring Sunshine to my day so I have awarded you The Sunshine Award! :)
    Crayons and Curls
