Saturday, January 21, 2012

Guest Bloggin'

Hello Kreative Kinder peeps! My name is Tammy Lee and I blog over at Live Love Laugh Everyday In Kindergarten. I would like to thank my new friend Crystal for inviting me to share some of my wisdom...ok, well maybe not really "wisdom," but I am gonna share something! :-) I had a whole other post done with cool pictures and everything, but then Crystal and I decided to go another route. She saw an old post of mine and asked me to talk about it a little more. So, here goes.... I had the most crafty parent volunteer last year! I tease her every time I see her in the hall this year that she can always still volunteer for me, or have another baby so I can have child #3! Her and I just worked really well with each other. Do you ever have parent volunteers like that?! I mean, I had a completely different set of things for her to do for me when she came! Things that I would NEVER put out for anyone else. LOL! Anywho..focus Tammy! She made me the most adorable mailbox! Here are some pics!

What do I use if ask!? Well, I saw the idea somewhere in the blogiverse. I am so sorry, but can't remember where! If you know, then please let me know and will be more than happy to link back to you/her!! We receive our mail every Monday. Although most of my kids are able to recognize all of the letters and are able to produce the letter sounds, they still LOVE this! You remember that fantabulous parent volunteer I mentioned earlier. Well, she also made me an envelope (the big 9X12 manilla ones) for each letter of the alphabet! She addressed each one to our class, with a return address of the letter, 123 Alphabet Street, Letter Land USA 12345. We included a stamp (letter stickers from Lakeshore) So, for the letter a, the stamp was an apple! What do I put in the ask?! Well, I include a letter from the letter of the week, and all of my Reading Street (our reading curriculum) materials that have to do with that letter. Also, I will throw in a poem or a riddle that has to do with the letter. The kids love it. I typically hand write the letters, but considering putting together a unit for my TpT store for this...not sure there would be an interest or not?! The parents love it too! I have had parents offer to bring things that begin with the letter of the week and they will put it in the mailbox. Like one day...I had a parent come and put in a box of french fries...YEP, she went to McDonalds and bought 20 small fries and put them in a box and snuck them in our mailbox. The kids LOVED it! Well, they went home and were so excited about it that other parents wanted to join in the fun!! I am sorry that I don't have more pictures!! I really need to be better about taking pictures! That's it...see, not really wisdom, but I did share a fun idea! If you have any questions, then please feel free to email me!! livelovelaughkindergarten at If you don't already, then I hope that you will consider following my blog!! Hop on over and say hello! Thank you for letting me visit all you Kreative Kinders!
Live Love Laugh


  1. CUTE!!! I love that the parents get involved with the mailbox. :)
    And yes, I have some parent volunteers that are amazing and that no other parents can live up to. I know exactly what you mean.
    Great guest post!
    A Teeny Tiny Teacher

  2. I love the mailbox... too cute!
    ❤ Sandra
    Sweet Times in First

  3. Wow! I LOVE the mailbox idea and getting parents involved! I don't do a letter per week, but I am sure there is another way to use the mailbox. Thank you for sharing your creative idea her at Kreative In Kinder. I follow both of your amazing blogs!
    I think a TpT packet about your mailbox idea would be awesome!

  4. WOWZERS!! Totally LOVIN' your idea!!
    I have STALKED you for a while now...I FINALLY set up a blog too!

    Come on by :)

  5. I love your cute mailbox. I use a mailbox (although not as cute) and I have envelopes with letters and word wall words in it. We have a song we sing that I made up....."Mailman,mailman you are good to see. Tell me, tell me do you have a letter for me? Yes I do have a letter for you - you better read your letter too!

    Kids love it.
    I always start this activity each year by introducing the Letter Mailbox with Big Bird from sesame street. -

    ­Kindergarten Lifestyle

  6. LOVE this! Please put something together for TpT. I would be very interested! Going now to check out your blog too!

    ΡΌ Alessia
    Mrs. Albanese’s Kindergarten Class

  7. Two of my favorite bloggers in one blog =) Tammy, you rock! That is such a great idea! I wish I had the parent support to take it a step further, but this year I don't. I would love to see a unit =)

    Kinder Kraziness

  8. The mailbox is too cute! How fun that the parent put in french fries! Great post!
    Conversations in Literacy

  9. I have a mailbox too! We get mail all of the time and my kiddos love it! We have a frog mailbox!

    Heather's Heart

  10. I love this!! What a wonderful idea!! Thank you so much for sharing! :) Kylie
