Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Classroom Pics of Daily 5!

Today is Post Your Classroom Pics Tuesday on TBA. Since I already did that, I thought I would explain some of my D5 set up with my classroom pics. If you missed my original post, you can find it by clicking HERE! J

Okay, so here is the dill pickle. I have never done Daily Five before and even though I believe in the whole theory or process, it kinda scares me. I am used to having 20 centers so this will be (is) a major change for me. So, I read online, did the book study, and attacked Pinterest and this is what I came up with. Here is my D5 board. 

Each group is a certain color. I will write the names with dry erase marker so I can change the groups weekly if I want to. 

For the first time ever, I am grouping by ability. I actually like this idea because I will be able to differentiate easily. I can have five different “Word Works” based upon ability.

So, here is what I came up with to start with. A student’s name will be on a color on the chart. They will come up and get a book mark with that color and go to the different D5 centers in that order. Here are the bookmarks.

Now in each area, there will be some choice as to what they can do. I also added a “meet with teacher” section for guided reading. Again, this is my Cracker Jack version to start with. We will start with doing one and adding to it until we build stamina to do all six (D5 + Meet with Teacher).  We have already started doing “Read to Self” and “Buddy Reading” as a group. I will add “Work on Writing” tomorrow. We are doing everything as a group at first and will start a more traditional “center time” next week when children will go to their area and choose an activity. I think I will like this (if it works) because I can really meet students where they are. If they are working on letters, then that is what they will do. If they already read, then their word work will be more rigorous (but fun of course).

Have I completely confused you? I hope not. I stay confused so you are in good company. I love that I don’t have to change a center chart EVER. I also love that they can get their bookmark or group sheet and know exactly what to do and where to go without talking to me. Of course this will take practice but I have big goals for my little peeps. I think they will be able to do it. I will give work examples for each area soon so you can see what we will be doing. Here are the different areas in the room that are labeled.

If you want a copy of my signs or bookmarks, just click the picture examples BELOW. My blogging bestie Tammy (from Live Laugh Love Kindergarten) let me steal borrow her cute handy work to create signs in my theme. She has polka dot ones on her site (the big signs NOT the book marks). Now, before I get a gazillion emails, I will try my best to make a plain colored set that will fit with most classrooms soon. J 

So, what do you think? Am I off my rocker? It’s ok to say that. I already do. I am excited though and think this will be a great way for us to start. We will see. You know I will tell you if it works or not. No sugar coating goes on here. J

Make sure you go by TBA to link up and check out everyone’s awesome classrooms!!

Before I forget, I just posted this new packet this week. I am SO excited about it. It’s called Reminders Galore. It's 82 pages and includes tons of wrist bands and tags (to staple on to folders or newsletters,etc.) for just about everything you can run into during the school year. Check it out!! J

Have a great day tomorrow. Did I mention I came home from work feeling like dog poo? I just LOVE going back to school and getting sick the second week (insert sarcasm here). Good grief. Wishing you days this week without Tylenol Cold and runny noses!


  1. Great post. I just got back from their conference. I set it up like this last year but this year I'm letting my students choose. We do three rounds a day. I really love having small mini lessons then everyone practices one of the daily 5 choices. We meet again and do another mini lesson (CAFE strategy) and 2nd round of Daily 5. The biggest thing I learned from the two sisters is that you really only have your student's attention for about 7 minutes at a time. YIKES :)

  2. Great post! Thank you Crystal for sharing your classroom! :)
    Crayons and Curls

  3. OMG (that is G for goodness)! you are my new guru! This was my afternoon's work and here you have it all ready. And our classroom themes even match too!

    I'm working my way through teaching the Daily 5 expectations. We spent a week in Read to Self. I think it will be a long time before they're ready for Read to Others. We're having a hard enough time with Read to Self not straying into talk to others! They're so little. But they love it and they're doing so good with keeping our Book Nook organized. I'm amazed!

    I'm with you...the choice will begin within the framework of a rotation. And I'm planning short rotations to begin with, about 10-12 minutes. I'm hoping to set up a music timer so that my students have a cue when to clean up and move to the next activity. My meet with teacher groups will actually take up two rotations, so the kids will have four rotations and meet with the teacher daily, with three groups. Then maybe as their stamina and independence improves (i.e. after Christmas) they might be able to make Daily 5 choices and stay longer in a center. Now you can see that one day we'll meet up in that land of confusion!

    You've been my blessing today!
    Donna W.

  4. Obviously I'm a little late in finding your blog, but late is better than never. ;)

    This looks like good place to start with organizing my own Daily 5. I tried out D5 last school year, but transitioning from a 4th grade classroom to a 1st grade group kicked my behind! Luckily, I'll be able to learn from all of my mistakes that I made last year to make the upcoming year awesome!

    Hope you're enjoying your summer.

    First Grade with Ms. Dawley

  5. Wow you did a wonderful job. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Do the kiddos complete the same exact rotation each day? I love the bookmark idea!

  7. Where did you get the 'word works' piece of furniture? It is awesome - great size/shape!
