Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Dun Dun Dunnnn....

So..I am laid up on the couch for today (so far) because I took my kids to Schlitterbaun yesterday and the rapid rides totally kicked my ace. My back hurts like I’m a hundred and forty years old.  We had so much fun but man oh man did I need a walker this morning. Seriously, embarrassing! J I did ride ALL of the rides with them though so that should increase my cool mom points, right?

Anywho, my Kinderland friends and I have something EXCITING planned this week! We will be popping firecrackers on your computer like no body’s business. Are you curious? What about excited? I totally AM!! 

BUT(dun dun dunnnn) there is a catch! You have to follow me on FACEBOOK for the big reveal. SO, don’t delay. Click like and start stalking. It’s good people. Good!

If I can get off this couch, I am off to the River Walk tonight. If not, it’s family game night..still equally fun with less driving. J Have a great day!! 


  1. If I have to rent you a wheelchair I will. I am so excited!!!

  2. Oooh! Excited to see what it could be!

  3. Your blog lay out is so super cute! Girl, I took my daughter to Schlitterbahn 2 years ago and my back is still trying to get back in whack!

    Have a happy 4th and I'll be looking for your announcement!

