Saturday, June 20, 2015

Magical Makeover

Joy. Happiness. Bliss.

To say I am excited would be an understatement.
I am so happy to reveal my blog redesign.  I am no easy client. I am opinionated, picky and when I have a vision in my head, it just must come to life. Ha! It has taken me six months to really figure out what I wanted before I could pick a designer.

Luckily, I found an amazing designer in Gabby.  She was fast working, thorough and breathed life into the vision in my head and the desire in my heart. 

You can check out Gabby's website by clicking here.

Here’s the deal. If you have followed me for a while, I am not just a teacher blogger.  If you read this explosion of hot mess, you know that I’ve been married for a hundred years. I’ve adopted three children who have grown into three crazy (said with love) teenagers. I am still trying to get pregnant because my body just decided (after losing 70 pounds) to work.  Clearly, I understand fertility issues.

I am not just a teacher.

I am a wife, mother, worshiper, believer, mover-going, best friend, chai tea drinker, want-to-be healthy person, and yes, a teacher.  I think most of all, here…in this place…I am transparent. I am real.

I am just ME.

So, when I decided that I needed a virtual face lift, I wanted something that reflected ME.  I am always amazed how many people visit my blog daily.  Clearly, I am not the best teacher blogger out there.  I don’t think you come here for the best ideas (though I secretly am hoping you find something meaningful).  I think you come here because my hot mess life probably makes you feel normal.  This blog has never been about being the best to me or selling the most on TPT. This blog has always been about connecting with others. It’s personal. Personal is not for everyone but for me, my heart is not only on my sleeve. It also lives at the web address known as

I hope my new look doesn’t mean we won’t be friends.  I will still blog about everything that goes on at school and I never intend to quit creating and sharing.  I am just motivated to share more than just that.  Sometimes I feel like Rose on the Titanic when she is standing at the front of ship with her arms open wide.  There is a big world out there and I just want to experience it…and share it with you.  

I hope you will stick with me on this journey and embrace everything I have to share with you.  This is so much cheaper than therapy (for me). Ha! 

There are so many things I have wanted to blog about but worry that it will be conflicting with my readers.  So, here we go. Evolving. Growing. Loving everything God brings my way. The good. The bad. The ugly.  

It’s all going down in one place


  1. AMAZING and all sparkles and shining! JUST like you!

    Wishing you every blessing as you continue in your evolution. Can't wait to see you next month at FrogStreet and get some amazing hugs and inspiration.

    Debbie Clement
    Rainbows Within Reach

  2. Crystal!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE it so, so much!!!! The new design SCREAMS "YOU"!!! You are such a FUN, Happy, Sparkly, Beautiful person and that's just what I see here!!!! <3 xoxoxo

    Can't wait to see you SO SOON in Vegas!!!! Sometimes I just can't even believe the friendships that I have made through blogging!! So blessed!!! LOVE you so much!!!! #blogbffs

  3. So well said and that's why we love you! The design is absolutely stunning!! Can't wait to continue following your teaching and life journey!

  4. 😃💗🌟👭👏. It's an Emoticon kind of day! Love the new design!

  5. Love the new design! It should be about all of you, not just the teacher. Well said! Can't wait to keep reading along with your journey!

    Luv My Kinders

  6. Love the new look! I love reading about your journey :)

  7. I love it Crystal! Can't wait to read more about the shenanigans in your life!

    Simply Kinder

  8. Crystal!
    Love your new design and direction! Congratulations!

  9. I love your new design!! I especially love the background!! So pretty!!! :)

  10. LOVE IT!!! It's beautiful just like you!!! Keep spreading that sparkle girl! Hope to see you soon!

  11. I love your new design! Keep being "you"; I enjoy reading and following along your adventures!

    A Very Curious Class

  12. I love the new design!!! I love that you share your life with us!! Your amazing!!!! Hope summer is treating you well!

  13. The new design looks amazing! I can't wait to read your future blogposts! I love that you share it all! Keep on keepin' it real!

  14. I love the new design!!! The background reminds me of champagne bubbles on New Years Eve...which makes me think happy thoughts :) :) I can't wait to read more!!!

  15. Very light and cheery...magical. I love your new blog! Congratulations!
